Nov 20, 2016 This essay looks at the “outing” of well-known Italian writer, Elena Ferrante, who famously writes under a pseudonym, and considers the
2014-10-15 Elena Ferrante (Italian pronunciation: [ˌɛːlena ferˈrante]) is a pseudonymous Italian novelist.Ferrante's books, originally published in Italian, have been translated into many languages. Her four-book series of Neapolitan Novels are her most widely known works.. Time magazine called Ferrante one of the 100 most influential people in 2016. 2015-03-25 2020-08-28 2021-03-31 Ferrante’s pseudonym is not a marketing strategy as many Italian (male) journalists and literary critics have claimed so as to undermine the significance of her success precisely as a woman writer. Instead, to write under a pseudonym is to countermand a patriarchal mentality that demands the author’s––especially a female author’s––visibility and availability. 2016-11-15 Elena Ferrante. Här samlar vi alla artiklar om Elena Ferrante.
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Oct 4, 2016 Elena Ferrante is no longer just Elena Ferrante. her identity more newsworthy than it was when she first started writing under a pseudonym. Jul 25, 2018 still had no idea of the real identity of author Elena Ferrante despite more speculation about the writer, who uses Ferrante as a pseudonym. Sep 18, 2018 The mysterious Elena Ferrante, whose identity has never been revealed for sure ('Elena Ferrante' is a pseudonym; last year, an investigative Nov 15, 2018 “My Brilliant Friend,” HBO's adaptation of author Elena Ferrante's four-book Elena Ferrante is a pseudonym for the books' reclusive author. Oct 7, 2016 Elena Ferrante is a pseudonym and her identity has been a source of great speculation, especially as her books have become international Aug 27, 2015 have made Ferrante, an enigmatic figure who writes under a pseudonym, and Elena Ferrante: Naples is a space containing all my primary, Jan 8, 2017 My review of the second book in Elena Ferrante's Neapolitan Series Elena Ferrante is a pseudonym that the author employs to retain her Nov 18, 2016 A few weeks ago the Italian investigative journalist Claudio Gatti claimed to have unmasked Ferrante by dislodging her pseudonym and Oct 4, 2016 Gatti, claims to have established through his research and some evidence at his disposal that Ferrante is a pen name for Anita Raja, a Rome- Oct 5, 2016 Devoted fans upset with the work of Italian investigative journalist Claudio Gatti for "outing" Anita Raja as the writer behind the Elena Ferrante Nov 20, 2016 This essay looks at the “outing” of well-known Italian writer, Elena Ferrante, who famously writes under a pseudonym, and considers the Oct 5, 2015 They must—I imagine—be especially amusing for all their speculation surrounding her identity; “Ferrante” after all is a pen name.
Oct 11, 2016 The results of a linguistic research group also indicate that Starnone could carry the pen name Elena Ferrante. Our stylometric analysis allows to
Share using Email. Friend and her Neapolitan quartet of novels sparked ‘Ferrante Fever’, and turned the author – who writes under a pseudonym Over the past two decades Elena Ferrante – a pseudonym, of course – has become one of her country’s most exciting and compelling contemporary literary voices.
Elena Ferrante (* 1943, Neapol) je pseudonym italské spisovatelky a překladatelky. Její knihy, původně vydané v italštině, byly přeloženy do mnoha jazyků. Mezi její nejznámější díla patří Neapolská sága .
Ferrante debuterte i 1992 med romanen L’ amore molesto som hun fikk Elsa Morante-prisen for samme år. Først i 2002, ti år etter debuten, kom Ferrantes andre roman I giorni dell'abbondono. Den tredje romanen, La figlia oscura, ble utgitt i Elena Ferrante (* 1943, Neapol) je pseudonym italské spisovatelky a překladatelky. Její knihy, původně vydané v italštině, byly přeloženy do mnoha jazyků. Mezi její nejznámější díla patří Neapolská sága.
Den italienske forfatter Elena Ferrante debuterede med romanen Besværende kærlighed i 1992.Herefter udgav hun romanerne Forladte dage og Dukken der blev væk.Hun har fået et internationalt gennembrud med romankvartetten om to piger fra Napoli, Elena og Lila, som man følger gennem 50 år: Min geniale veninde, 2014, Historien om et nyt navn, 2015, Dem der flygter og dem der bliver, 2015 og
2018-05-17 · An interview with Elena Ferrante about her writing process, the Neapolitan novels and #MeToo, exclusively in English at the L.A. Times. Ferrante’s pseudonym is not a marketing strategy as many Italian (male) journalists and literary critics have claimed so as to undermine the significance of her success precisely as a woman writer. Instead, to write under a pseudonym is to countermand a patriarchal mentality that demands the author’s––especially a female author’s––visibility and availability. Elena Ferrante is a pseudonym. Elena Ferrante does not exist. Which makes the acclaimed Italian novelist, whoever she may be, quite difficult to interview.
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Men nu Elena Ferrante är en pseudonym och det är osäkert vem som döljer sig bakom den, även om det finns många teorier. Costanzo säger: Jag kan Den italienska författaren bakom pseudonymen Elena Ferrante blir kolumnist i The Guardian. Den bästsäljande författaren har legat lågt sedan Förr fick en kvinnlig författare anta manlig pseudonym för att bli bedömd på lika med när den italienska författaren Elena Ferrante listar sina 40 favoritromaner Den italienska författaren bakom pseudonymen Elena Ferrante blir kolumnist i The Guardian.
Oct 4, 2016 Elena Ferrante is no longer just Elena Ferrante. her identity more newsworthy than it was when she first started writing under a pseudonym.
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2014-09-06 2016-10-05 2019-09-11 2019-10-14 2016-10-20 But the enigmatic figure — ”Elena Ferrante” is a pseudonym, as she’s never revealed herself publicly — writes on her own timeline. “She writes for herself. When she thinks that the Abstract Using Elena Ferrante’s Neapolitan novels as case study, this article presents a cognitive approach to fictionality and authorial intention using Text World Theory and Mind-Modelling. It investigates two forms of ontological distortion: readers’ (mis)classification of the novels’ genre (as autofiction or autobiography) and the problem posed by the author’s pseudonymic identity.
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Elena Ferrante est un pseudonyme. L’auteure italienne, née en 1943, refuse de devenir un personnage public et dévoile très peu d’informations sur son identité. Selon certaines hypothèses, il pourrait s'agir d'Anita Raja, éditrice et traductrice italienne de Christa Wolf en particulier, ou bien de son mari, l’écrivain Domenico Starnone.
In 1991, on the eve of the publication of her first novel, Troubling Love, Elena Ferrante sent a letter to her publisher explaining her decision to use a pseudonym and make no public appearances Sandro Ferri and Sandra Ozzola, the founders of the publishing house, must have been keen on retaining Starnone among their authors, but Starnone—perhaps because of contractual obligations, perhaps by choice—decided to continue to publish under his real name for Feltrinelli and under the pseudonym of Ferrante for E/O. The remarkable cult of Elena Ferrante. Share using Email. Friend and her Neapolitan quartet of novels sparked ‘Ferrante Fever’, and turned the author – who writes under a pseudonym Over the past two decades Elena Ferrante – a pseudonym, of course – has become one of her country’s most exciting and compelling contemporary literary voices.